I went to Tuol Sleng museum this morning. Tuol Sleng was once a school which Pol Pot converted into the infamous Security Prison (S-21). A mixture of both the heat and seeing the prison made me feel nauseous. Not to mention that the whole Khmer Rouge and Killing Fields are fairly recent history.
Now I am in some kind of expat members club that I found that has free wi-fi and a beautiful swimming pool. It is currently the Khmer New Year and most of the markets and shops are closed. I think most people head to the coast where I just came from to escape the heat.
Tomorrow I am planning to head out to Choueung Ek, better known as the Killing Fields.
I don’t know that I could stomach the Killing Fields. I’ve seen them on TV so I have an idea of what they’re about. But actually being there? That’s a whole different game.
Well I went there today. I think after Tuol Sleng I was more prepared. It is hard to describe the feeling.
what’s up!!
I just got this URL from MM !!
you should put yourself on the blog as well!!!
enjoy the trip!!
I looooove Thailland!!
Hi there Kai-san,
I am in Cambodia now. I also like Thailand very much and wouldn’t mind living there if I could.
You can see my picture here: